Friday, April 11, 2008

First Blog on the New Blog...

I made an account on here once and Posted once... and then forgot about it. So I started again. I'm pretty random, so I'd expect the same from my posts. Although, lately, most of what I think and talk about revolves around 2 things: the upcoming wedding and the baby in my belly. I'm sure you'll read a lot about those topics. :)

I've always known you aren't supposed to go shopping when you are hungry. So the other day when it was time to run to the grocery store (something usually done by wes), I ate dinner first. Apparently, you should not go shopping when you are pregnant either. I bought no real food. I did buy Cheetos, pudding, string cheese, chocolate milk, and apple sauce... all things I wanted as soon as I saw them. I guess I'll leave the grocery shopping up to wes for the time being... and i'll just make a list... of suggestions lol.

Lately, in addition to eating everything in sight, I cannot sleep enough! I live for the weekends when I can sleep 12 hours and still be lazy! If only I had energy....

If you are reading this and you are expecting a wedding invitation and you haven't gotten one, don't be alarmed. I've been so busy and so tired I STILL haven't sent them out! Yes, I realize the wedding is in 2 weeks, but seriously, everyone who is coming already knows about it, so I'm not worried.

Anyways, that's enough for now. Its time to get to work. Hope you are having a wonderful day!