Monday, July 7, 2008

Big Belly with No Name

Apparently I'm not so good at this blogging thing, even if I have something to blog about. My baby is growing like crazy, and as a result, so is my belly. I can't imagine her growing for 3 more months! I'll see it though lol.

She kicks and moves ALL the time now. Its fun during the day to get to interact with her. At night, not so much lol. Seems she doesn't like to sleep when I do. Figures. LOL

For those that are wondering, no, she does not have a name yet. We've got it down to about 5 names, but Wes doesn't want to pick one until she's here because he's sure we'll change our minds, and he's probably right. In the mean time, his whole family has stuck with calling her Andie until we choose a name. So, when she's born, she will have been "Andie" for 4 months lol. I like Andie, though, so I'm not opposed. :)

Anyways, just a quick update because I realized I hadn't posted on here in quite a while!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

It's a GIRL!

It's a girl! It's a girl! It's a girl!

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(and I'm a bit excited)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Just a few cartoons to express how I'm feeling:

and most of all...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Oh Baby

So I've been waiting and waiting to be able to feel my baby kick, and as of this weekend I can! Turns out its not as fun as I'd hoped. I mean, I love it... when I'm awake. But this whole "Kick for an hour at 4 am" thing gets old quick. lol... guess I should get used to it waking me up, since that will be my life for a long time! :) All kidding aside, I'm really excited that I can feel the baby kick now... and it kicks non-stop!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Not very good at this...

Apparently I'm not as much of a blogger as I thought lol.

We went to the doctor this week. The doctor thinks we are having a girl... he said about 70%. We'll find out for sure on June 5th when we get the good, thorough ultrasound at the hospital. I really hope he's right! I've been picking girls' names ever since!

I cooked dinner for the first time since being married last night. I made chicken and dumplings. They were a far cry from being good, but wes ate them anyways. Thats true love. I eventually finished my half of a bowl, while he went back for seconds and thirds. We didn't even have any leftover! So tonight, I'm going to try for something different. Still chicken, of course, because thats about the only think I can cook. I might go with enchiladas, but that requires going to the store... so maybe i'll just do chicken and rice. If anyone has good, easy recipes for me that don't involve red meat or garlic, i'd love to have them!

Oh and last night, my baby was completely upside down with her(or his) feet stretched out straight up toward my ribs. It was not comfortable, but I could feel her feet with my hands and that made me excited. She curled back up before Wes got to feel though. I hope she'll play with dad as much as she plays with me soon. I love being able to feel her move! It makes it so much more real, so I want him to be able to feel her too!

Friday, April 11, 2008

First Blog on the New Blog...

I made an account on here once and Posted once... and then forgot about it. So I started again. I'm pretty random, so I'd expect the same from my posts. Although, lately, most of what I think and talk about revolves around 2 things: the upcoming wedding and the baby in my belly. I'm sure you'll read a lot about those topics. :)

I've always known you aren't supposed to go shopping when you are hungry. So the other day when it was time to run to the grocery store (something usually done by wes), I ate dinner first. Apparently, you should not go shopping when you are pregnant either. I bought no real food. I did buy Cheetos, pudding, string cheese, chocolate milk, and apple sauce... all things I wanted as soon as I saw them. I guess I'll leave the grocery shopping up to wes for the time being... and i'll just make a list... of suggestions lol.

Lately, in addition to eating everything in sight, I cannot sleep enough! I live for the weekends when I can sleep 12 hours and still be lazy! If only I had energy....

If you are reading this and you are expecting a wedding invitation and you haven't gotten one, don't be alarmed. I've been so busy and so tired I STILL haven't sent them out! Yes, I realize the wedding is in 2 weeks, but seriously, everyone who is coming already knows about it, so I'm not worried.

Anyways, that's enough for now. Its time to get to work. Hope you are having a wonderful day!